Building the Great Wall of Thai – Part 10 and 11
Before and after of our back gate..
We finally finished building the back gate after many months of having an ugly chain link fence temporarily closing the gap. The fence and wall just needs some paint and it’ll finally be complete!
We’ve also started work on the wall in the front of the house as seen in the thumbnail picture. We wanted to wait until after the holidays when the weather stays cool throughout the day before we started work outside again. Unfortunately, it’s been sunny in the high 70s/low 80s so progress on the wall has been slow. The initial work of digging and burying the first row of blocks was a pain. We ran across old sprinkler pipes and tree roots that we had to cut out. Now, we’re just slowly layering the blocks and mixing A LOT of concrete.
This is officially the last leg of the building of the Great Wall of Thai. Hooray!! 🎉