When I first accepted my job with the CHLAKids program last year, I knew my job was not going to be permanent because it was a grant-funded position. I also knew it had an end date of either June 30, 2016 or December 31, 2016. By the beginning of this year, I was already in a full-blown search for another job. Once a week, I would revisit a long list of sites to see if new openings were available.

It’s been a few years since I was on a job hunt and I’ve never really had trouble landing a job right away. However, I felt like this time was different. Months passed and nothing was happening. By June, I had confirmation that I would be laid off by the end of the month.

Then the real panic started.

This was the worst time for me to get laid off. Peter and I were in the middle of planning a wedding (and making deposits) and just at the beginning of making an addition to our house, right on the edge of actual construction. I know.. Major first world problems but.. How could we possibly afford to continue with our plans if I went unemployed?

But just like that.. Because the universe always makes things work out for me, Children’s Hospital emailed me one week before my last day at work and asked me to come in for an interview.

And the interview could not have gone any better.

Two days before my last day at work, Children’s Hospital called me and offered me a position.. and a bump in pay!

My first day isn’t until July 25th so I have three weeks of “summer break” to relax a bit before jumping into another job. Peter and I aren’t religious but as fans of Game of Thrones, we “pray” to the old gods and the new.. and this time, it looks like they came through! Peter’s very excited for me to get a usc.edu email address so I can be a pseudo-Trojan.

Moving from one CHLA (Children’s Health Los Angeles) to another CHLA (Children’s Hospital Los Angeles).. Here we go! 🙂